Friday, December 2nd, 6:00pm-10:00pm CHERYL R. RILEY, ARTIST/DESIGNER, Studio 217, 2nd Floor

NOTE: Entrance lobby for the 2nd floor studios is separate from that for the residential units of 150 Bay and can be found at the NE corner of the building, at the corner of 1st St. and Provost St.
For many years I have utilized a self-created glyph-like symbolic markings as elements for projects such as site-specific wall treatment commissions. After two artist residencies and learning that in every war the major fatalities are women and children and that in matriarchal societies, there are no wars, they revealed their individual meanings and as the language of just such a society. During an all female-identified artist residency in Massachusetts in 2020 Directed by Pooja Prema called RITES OF PASSAGE I was curator for "The Kitchen".
This space was a homage to my grandmothers who were housewives. My maternal grandfather was a contractor who built the home where my mother and her 8 siblings were raised. The kitchen the most active and biggest room in the house. The table was long and a hotbed of activities like shelling peas, combining ingredients for cakes, nursing babies or rocking them to sleep, making preserves from the fruits and vegetable of the garden, we children playing board games or playing instruments, singing and, of course, eating. This was the model for the activities that were recreated in THE KITCHEN where I also covered all the walls and metal cabinets with my GLYPHS ON PAGES OF A 1957 ENCYCLOPEDIA. Other participating artists, each with their own rooms, would visit THE KITCHEN often to eat soul food I or other artists prepared, listen to Marie Tatti play the guitar and sing her original compositions, dip vegetables, chips and bread into the guacamole prepared by Laura Cabrera, play with or watch Tashi Colston mothering or rocking her baby girl, Mayari, to sleep and me composing my wearable artworks called, SCULPTURES in the FORM of a NECKLACE that are of beads with oxtail, marrow, lamb chop bones with other unexpected objects like toy cars, ceramics I made and doll furniture.
For JC FRIDAY I will be present to assist Visitors to my studio with their readings of the cards they pull. Oracle Decks differ from tarot cards because there are no set symbol definitions and the Reader is the Interpreter of the answers to the questions they ask and meanings to their lives that are revealed. The decks will be available for sale, as well as minimum quantities of four original hand-painted, one-of-a-kind, gouache and ink Glyphs on Pages of 1957 Encyclopedia.
Wheelchair accessible.
COVID-19 Protocols
If COVID-19 Protocols are still in effect, I request Visitors wear masks as will I.
Phone: (201) 362-3174