The Fine Arts Gallery is pleased to present the photographs of William Gutsch in our exhibition, Nature Photography from All Seven Continents opening on Wednesday, November 2 from noon to 2:00 pm.
He has been able to travel the globe and capture photographic images across all seven continents. His hope for this exhibition is to spread an awareness of, and appreciation for, our planet’s fragile and endangered beauty. Dr. Gutsch has had a multi-faceted career with degrees in Mathematics, Astronomy (Astrophysics), and Science Education (with specialization in astrophysics, curriculum & instruction, behavioral psychology, and statistical methods). As a writer, producer and director in New York, Hollywood, London and elsewhere he has acquired many years of experience working in close conjunction with the arts community from artists and photographers to cinematographers, choreographers, dancers, musicians, composers and actors. In the process, he became immersed in the arts and has a profound appreciation for the blending of the science and arts cultures. He has served as Chairman of the American Museum-Hayden Planetarium in New York, served a double term as President of the International Planetarium Society, was President of Great Ideas which has provided consulting, writing, and production services for NASA, he has worked with astronauts and served as President & CEO of the Challenger Center for Space Science Education, he is a Distinguished Professor of the College of Arts & Sciences at Saint Peter’s University, and was President of the Board of Directors of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (a position at one time held by Dr. Edwin Hubble for whom the Hubble Space Telescope is named). He also has written, produced, and/or appeared in programs for PBS, NBC, CNN, The Learning Channel, ITV (London), NASA-TV and regional US educational television. He was nominated for an Emmy in 1986. Gutsch is the author of several books and numerous features and shows for television and large format and domed theaters worldwide. His science programs are currently seen on four continents. He has led and lectured on excursions and expeditions to South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Antarctica, given speeches and papers at conferences from Moscow and Tokyo to Buenos Aires and Berlin, and has delivered invited lectures at leading institutions of higher learning from New Delhi to Santiago and Shanghai … including Harvard, Oxford, and the California Institute of Technology.
Wheelchair accessible.
The building is ADA compliant
COVID-19 Protocols
Masks are strongly recommended.
Phone: (201) 761-6484