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NJCU Galleries: Wonder Women Artist Talk: Health & Art in a Global Pandemic

December 3, 4:00pm-6:00pm

***In order to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19, face coverings are required in the gallery. The University requires all visitors to complete the CDC’s Self Health Check and sign our Visitor Log Form:

Wonder Women 12: A Health Survey at the Visual Arts Gallery Artists: Pollie Barden, Doris Cacoilo, Christine DaCruz, Sharon Lee De La Cruz, Mary Jeys, Kristy Lopez, Melissa MacAlpin, Avani Palkhiwala, Stephanie Tichenor, Agnieszka Wszolkowska The 12th annual Wonder Women Residency was held online this year in response to the global pandemic. The theme for the residency was health, identity, and community. Four artists who participated in the residency will share details about their work, their process and their journeys in making art about health and life during this difficult year. The work is on exhibition in the Visual Arts Gallery until December 10, 2021.

The current pandemic has exposed healthcare system failures and has forced urgent conversations about our personal and collective health that would otherwise be considered private. These public conversations demanded that the artists address the bodies they live in, how they are perceived and the acknowledgment of those who are often not accounted for when we say our bodies.

The health concerns addressed in this show are pre-pandemic issues but lensed from a place of grief, frustration, fear, and a range of mountainous feelings brought on by more than a year and a half of isolation and global turmoil. The works highlight these concerns and present a collection of self-portraits at this historic moment. The exhibition considers our urgency to get “back to normal” vs. the reality of a global pandemic that is still ongoing and has fundamentally changed our health and social structures.

Both of our galleries will be open Friday, December 3 11am - 6pm and also as part of the NJCU Winter Jazz Festival: Saturday, December 4th, and Sunday, December 5th, 12-6 p.m.

The Visual Arts Gallery is at the basement of the Visual Arts building at 100 Culver Ave. Walking distance from the West Side Ave Light Rail Station. Pay parking is available on the main campus. Please visit our website for more information or email

Artist talk is virtual, ramps and elevator available at the Gallery. Contact for more info

COVID-19 Protocols

  • In order to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19, face coverings are required in the gallery. The University requires all visitors to complete the CDC’s Self Health Check and sign our Visitor Log Form:

  • Masks required

  • Limited Capacity & Social Distancing

  • Deep cleaning/disinfecting


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