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Virtual JC Fridays Kickoff

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Join us on Thursday, September 9 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST on Zoom

for a free virtual sneak peek of events taking place this JC Fridays.


This online event will include closed captions & ASL interpreters.

Free, advance registration is required to receive the Zoom link.

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Zoom can be accessed online via a computer or mobile device, you just need Wifi. To download Zoom and create a free account on a desktop or laptop, go to and follow the onsite instructions. To download on a smartphone/mobile device, please download the Zoom app from the AppStore and follow the setup instructions.

Support for Access expenses on this production provided in part through funding from Access A.R.T./New York, a program of the Alliance of Resident Theatres/New York (A.R.T./New York).

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